History + PAEP

PAEP has, over the past 15 years, engaged in US Department of Education Arts Education Model Development grant programs conducted in the School District of Philadelphia and Hazleton Area School District, testing the efficacy of the arts to improve student learning outcomes and pro social behaviors.

Arts Link: Building Mathematics and Science Competencies through an Arts Integration Model (2010-2014 |Grades 4-6)

Consistently showed treatment group students outperforming comparison group students.
The mean scaled score over the years was consistently higher for the treatment group on the PA System of School Assessment Reading Test (PSSA).

Arts Bridges: Building Literacy Through an Integrated Arts Collaborative Model (2006-2010 |. Grades 2-5)

Designed to improve student learning outcomes in an urban school district posted mean scaled scores 105 and 60 points higher on the PSSA 2014 exams in mathematics and science for treatment school students over those in the control schools; and treatment school students outscored comparison school students in reading by 48 points

Arts Link: Advancing the Arts Integration Model (2018-2022 | Grades 2-5)

Designed to meet the US DOE’s “What Works Clearinghouse Evidence Standards” examined the efficacy of visual and performing arts to increase student learning in ELA/reading and mathematics in the Hazleton Area School District. PSSA 2021 results posted treatment school mean scaled scores 67 points higher in math and 59 points higher in reading over the control group.