About Arts Link

Advancing the Arts Integration Model

Our Arts Link team is incredibly proud of the work we accomplished during a global pandemic in pursuing, promoting, and delivering an arts-integration program for educators and students in the Hazelton Area School District. 

What is Arts Integration?

Arts integration is a research-based methodology for teaching and learning that engages the arts as central to the acquisition of concepts and skills required to master academic subjects.

Arts Link is based on research around brain-based teaching. This focuses on how our brains learn and helps students meet academic standards in mathematics and English Language Arts. It also helps students develop social and emotional skills and stay more engaged with learning. The Arts Link approach involves in-depth, experiential engagement with both artistic and academic subjects.

What is Arts Link?

The Arts Link model demonstrates how arts-integration promotes academic growth in diverse content areas. Highly trained teaching artists collaborate with classroom teachers to design and deliver arts-integration lessons that target specific academic concepts and skills in English Language Arts and mathematics.

Why Arts Integration?

Arts integration plays a vital role in enhancing student success and teacher effectiveness. PAEP’s research demonstrates how arts integration benefits students by enhancing critical thinking and problem-solving skills while also developing perseverance. Arts integration engages students and promotes collaboration, teamwork, and social/emotional intelligence. 

“PAEP’s arts integration model aligns concepts and skills in core content academic areas with the arts to reinforce learning from multiple perspectives. The model has a focus on in-depth, experiential engagement with the core curriculum.” 

~ US Department of Education, Office of Innovation and Improvement, January 2014.

Who is Arts Link?

Placeholder for headshot of Pearl Schaeffer

Pearl Schaeffer

Placeholder for headshot of Dr. Catherine Richmond-Cullen

Dr. Catherine Richmond-Cullen

Placeholder for headshot of Dr. Evan A. Leach

Dr. Evan A. Leach

Placeholder for headshot of Megan Lafferty

Megan Lafferty

Placeholder for headshot of Sara Kattler-Gold

Sara Kattler-Gold

Meet The Team

How to Use the Arts Link Online Program

Professional Development

Brain-based teaching and learning informs the content of the professional development delivered in the Arts Link Program. Academic subject research in teaching English Language Arts and mathematics assisted teachers and artists in developing arts integration lesson plans and PowerPoint presentations. Information on teaching and learning in and through the arts was central to the professional development.

You can click any item in the Professional Development library to explore expert-led training modules and download additional course materials provided.

Artist Demonstrations

This section of the website provides exemplary arts integration lessons that demonstrate the Arts Link methodology in mathematics and English Language Arts. 

You can select from our Artist Demonstrations library to view these lessons and download accompanying lesson plans and PowerPoints.

Classroom Sample Lessons

Real time virtual lessons co-taught by the classroom teachers and teaching artists demonstrate the Arts Link arts integration model with students in 2nd through 5th grades learning mathematics and English Language Arts.

You can browse through the Classroom Sample Lessons section to discover a variety of lessons and access the accompanying lesson plans and PowerPoints.


You can access our Evaluation library to find assessment tools and resources for your own use.


You can explore the Resources section for a wide range of educational tools and materials on arts integration.

Looking for more information?